Thursday, February 26, 2009

I now offer over the phone consultations

Do YOU need:
- Psychic Healing
- Psychic protection help and advice
- Clearance of personal and spiritual blockages
- Aura analysis and healing of holes, repair of aura wall
- Inner child healing
- Support and healing through difficult times
- Healing for your dog or horse
- Past life and karmic healing
- Clearance of negative energies such as thought forms and possessions
- Connecting to spiritual beings such as guides and angels

All of these services are offered by Jane Dobson during a phone consultation.

Day-time and evening appointments are available.

Debit/credit card payments accepted.

Telephone consultations last 1 hour and cost £35.

Call today, it could change your life!

(01594) 836108

Buy crystals online at our new website - Crystal Healing Tools

I now have a website selling a wide range of quality healing crystals !

Over the years, I have 'prescribed' various crystals as part of my consultations and people have sometimes had difficulty in getting hold of the specific crystals. Therefore I decided "why not sell them myself" ?

You can find the site at

You can find the crystals you want by browsing the shop, listing crystals by colour or by using the powerful search features

There is also a page full of information about crystals which will be updated regularly.

I hope you enjoy the site and use it as your first call for all crystals !

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