Monday, July 07, 2008

Essences without permission

At a recent Essence workshop a question arose about giving essences to people without their knowing.

It is difficult to give a direct answer to this question but we need to consider the ethics of this practice. Individuals need to evaluate whether prescribing and giving essences to others without their knowing is acceptable. I believe that the decision of whether to administer without permission is really dependant on the individual wanting to do this; their wounds and where they are in their evolutionary journey.

In this blog I am going to offer some of my own thoughts and ideas about this rather controversial subject. I will identify a few things that need to be considered before adding essences to someone’s food or drink without their consent.

The first thing we need to consider is why we feel it necessary to give someone essences without their consent? Essences are very powerful healing tools and if chosen correctly can change behaviour and mental/emotional patterns. This sounds fantastic; to heal another person’s negative states. But have we the right to do that when they haven’t consented? Would we administer mind or behaviour altering allopathic drugs to an individual without their consent? WHY do we want to try and alter someone else’s thought, emotional or behavioural patterns? Is it so that the person can be ‘moulded’ into what WE WANT them to be?

It seems to me that individuals think it is Ok to give others essences to change their apparent ‘negative states’ because they are safe. They feel because essences have no side effects that it is ok and they are not doing anything unethical. However, they are taking ways the individual’s right to choose.
EVERYONE is on a journey and that road is one of choice, the choice to be who we are, with the ability to heal and change ourselves, BUT only if we want to. To give someone essences without their knowing is taking THEIR CHOICE away from them. It is taking their CHOICE to walk the path that THEY choose and the learning and empowerment that that path may have given. YOU may be taking some important lessons away and affecting their karma.

Another facet to this situation is why is it necessary to administer a powerful healing system to someone without their consent? What does this say about our relationship with that person! Are we so far removed from the relationship that open and honest communication cannot occur? If so, this is not a relationship of balance or love. Some would argue that essences are given out of love! This behaviour is not love. Love is about allowing a person to be who they are. It is about accepting where they are at a given moment in time. It is THEIR choice to be where they are and until negative behavioural, emotional or mental patterns are seen by them as an issue we have no right to insist that they change to meet our needs. We all see the ones we love as having potential to be great. But greatness comes from personal insight, learning who we are through the way our mind and emotions operate. It is our personal power and will that makes us want to heal, move forward and reach that greatness. To love someone is to accept their faults and support them to find new ways of being. It is about accepting their choices and honouring those choices- come what may. Adding essences to change them under the guise of healing is not LOVE, but control and manipulation to serve our own ends.

“When you struggle with your partner, you are struggling with yourself. Every fault you see in them touches a denied weakness in yourself. ” – Deepak Chopra

We also need to consider whether our motives are about martyrdom! When the individual does improve are we going to look smug and start shouting from the ‘roof tops’ that our behaviour of ‘doctoring’ someone’s food and drink has led to changes within that person? What are WE gaining from this activity is the question we need to ask ourselves? What are our motives- TRUTHFULLY?

And lastly, the way other people think and behave is ONLY our problem and issue if we are affected by it. If it does not affect that individual, then it is not an issue. Maybe what we should be doing is giving ourselves essences for intolerance, impatience and lack of love and understanding. Other than blaming another and throwing YOUR issues onto them.

As Dr Wayne Dyers says: ‘When you judge another person, you do not define him or her, you define yourself.’