Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Healing the inner child

Healing the inner child takes special care and patience and it is worth taking the time when healing this facet of the personality.

In many cases the wounded inner child will present itself for healing. This can be in many forms from dreams, realising that we are functioning (mentally or emotionally) from the wounded child, to the condition surfacing during personal/spiritual development. Whichever way this energy surfaces, we need to remember that the wounded inner child has gained their experiences during times of great vulnerability. This can be experiences of abuse whether mentally, emotionally or physically BUT the child can also gain wounds due to immature perception.

The child would have seen the world in a very black and white way. Things would have been viewed simplistically- yes or no, is or isn’t, can or can’t. It is not until we mature that the world is then seen in many shades of grey and that things are not always so simple. That life is made complex with responsibilities, life pressures and expectations; sometimes beyond the adult’s control. The child can gain issues and be locked in this black and white world resulting in an inner child wound. This can manifest in our adult personality; mentally or emotionally.

It takes time, understanding and skill to heal the aspects of the wounded child. Simple love is not enough to heal these wounds. I would like to say ‘take this essences and all your inner child issues will be resolved’. But I can’t. I do not believe that one mode of healing will fit all inner child issues and the inner child CAN and WILL avoid healing if it can possibly do so. This tends to come about out of fear. Releasing this fear and securing the childs trust with the adult personality needs to be gained before deep healing can take place and for this relationship to grow. Essences certainly can help but I do not think that they resolve all issues of the inner child. For my clients I adopt psychological techniques and theories based on Gestalt, Jungian, visualisations and self parenting. These are supported with a variety of vibrational medicines to access and surface deeply ingrained energies.
It takes skill to recognise where in the personality the child is wounded. It takes even more skill to create a safe space with the adult personality for that child to find trust so that deep healing can take place. It is a journey worth embarking upon but takes courage and honesty within the Self in order for the process to be dynamic and long lasting. But in all cases we have to remember that NO MATTER how the ‘wounds’ are gained, they are and remain REAL. Thus affecting the way the adult individual grows psychologically, spiritually and within society if they remain unhealed.