Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Is this me?

Is This MeIn recent weeks it has been bought to my attention that many people are experiencing aspects of themselves that they thought had been dealt with and healed. It wasn’t until I started to experience such energies that I started to also think it was wounds surfacing, yet again to be healed. I started with some basic gestalt psychology on myself and included some psychic protection, just in case. Although it had some effect the issues remained. Then, a chance conversation with a friend, made understand that the energy was NOT me, but the projection of others peoples stuff onto me. For some people this can feel like a psychic attack, but will not fully go away with any form Psychic protection.

So what is going on here?

I believe that the crux of this experience is the universes last attempt to help you rid the energies of the past, the energies you no longer need or systems you no longer fit into. The energy is helping you to free yourself, to brings about a state of death and then rebirth. In a way it is a bit like the energy of Neptune and Pluto all in one bag. Where you are shown the fear and darkest parts of yourself but at the same time there is a reflection, a mirror stood in front you. As you are looking into this mirror you can hear yourself saying ‘this is not me, I have dealt with these issues and some of them weren’t even mine in the first place. They were the dark projections of others, other peoples belief systems, ideas and wounds’. Once this concept was realised, I was then guided to make an essence.

The essence of Obsidian

Black ObsidianI believe that this essence helps the individual to transform through the negative energies that are being projected from others and the Universe. It gives the individual freedom to move positively forward from anything that is not applicable now. It allows the curtain of illusion to fall, making things clear as the negativity dissolves. This essence also provides protection from the subtle energies projected from others. These can cloud judgement, halt transformation and take people off their path if they are not savvy enough to realise what is happening.
This essence will provide solid support when growth is what we choose. It will reveal what is truly your stuff and protect you from what is not.

Snowflake ObsidianSince working with this energy, I have found clarity of mind and spirit and understood that none of the issues that were being projected onto me were actually mine.

Psychic Protection part 3 - How to protect yourself

The protected auraTo practice effective Psychic protection you will require similar tools to those used in Grounding, for clarity I will repeat some of them in the next few Blogs.

In my practice I have found that people who are ungrounded are ALWAYS at risk from energy breach. It does not necessarily go the other way; that if someone is being attacked or their energy breached that they are ungrounded. However, in all cases if you think your energy field is being breached you MUST also ground. This is to ensure that you remain safe within the earth’s energy field until the situation is rectified.

So, when you have determined that from the signs and symptoms listed in my previous blog, that your energy system is being breached or you are under psychic attack. What should you do?


Well, I would first of all start by using some of the Grounding techniques mentioned previously. This will stabilise your energy and anchor it onto the earth. This should help enormously and give you space to really consider what is actually going on. You must also drink at least 2 litres of water in a 24-hour period, which will nourish your lower chakras and help to support the grounding process.

More information on grounding

Grounding with Visualisation
Grounding with Crystals
Grounding with Essences

When the above has been implemented you then need to get started on setting up some protection for yourself. What you choose really depends on personal preference but I would ALWAYS choose at least 2-3 different protection tools for mild to moderate attack/breach and 5-6 if the breach and/or symptoms are severe.


I would always start with visualisations as they can be set up wherever you are and will be affective straight away.

Box of Mirrors

The first visualisation I would recommend is one using a ‘Box of Mirrors’.

Box of mirrorsIn your minds eye erect a mirror to the front of you. The reflective side should be pointing outwards. See the mirror completely hide you so it covers you from head to toe. Then erect and mirror to the back of you, again seeing the reflective side pointing outwards.
Now cover your sides with a mirror.
To complete the ‘box of Mirrors’ visualisation, imagine a mirror beneath your feet and one above your head.

You now need to make an affirmation to go with the visualisation. This will strengthen the visualisation. This affirmation can be some thing like ‘These mirrors are to protect me from any negative external influences, all positive energy is able to flow freely through these mirrors’.
If you like you can make up your own affirmation.

Other visualisations.

Bubble of lightSurrounding yourself in bubbles of light is also a good way of protecting yourself but it is unwise to use ‘white light’ as this makes you an energetic beacon. This is the last thing you want when going through any form of energy invasion and psychic attack.
I would recommend using pastel shades of colours such as green, blue, yellow and pink.
The colour you choose is down to personal preference and you may find that the colour changes from day to day/situation to situation.

To use the bubble visualisations just imagine yourself cocooned in the centre of a beautiful coloured bubble. Feel yourself safe and cradled in this beautiful energy.
Whichever colour you choose for your bubble make it a bright, clear bubble.

Like the ‘Box of Mirrors’ visualisation, you will need to make an affirmation for your coloured bubble.

‘This bubble is to protect me from all negative energies penetrating my energy system, all positive energy is able to flow freely through this bubble’.

Psychic Protection part 2 - How do you know if you need it ?

The breached auraSo, how do you know when your aura has been breached and you need psychic protection?

The list below contains only a few signs and symptoms that MAY indicate that you are being psychically attacked or your energy field has been breached. However, I would say that having only one or two of these symptoms does not generally indicate that you have a psychic protection issue but this will depend upon how sensitive you are and the level of connection you have to yourself. People who are self connected and also sensitive may only need one of these symptoms to KNOW they have a problem. For everyone else I would be thinking of a psychic breach when 3 or more symptoms are experienced.


  • Sudden drained energy-like plug being pulled out.

  • Sudden pain-can be intermittent or continuous but is unexplainable.

  • Out of sorts and generally not yourself.

  • Thoughts that aren’t your own.

  • Insomnia.

  • Doing, thinking, feeling things out of character.

  • Feeling weepy, angry, lost or over whelmed.

  • Spaced out.

  • Can’t think straight.

  • Feeling wobbly.

  • Confused.

  • Nothing is going right.

  • Problems with extremities.

  • Symptoms not consistent with anything particular.

  • Feeling stuck.

  • Not feeling right despite taking all measures.

Psychic Protection part 1 - Who needs it?

The bodys auraPsychic protection is about keeping your energy field (Aura) intact and contained. Containment means that your energy field is in a state where it remains healthy and strong. This is so you do not leak your precious energy into the environment and nothing is able to penetrate. By containing our energy field we prevent others from taking our energy from us but it also prevents the actions, thoughts and intentions of others from affecting us in any way.

People in all sorts of professions should be taught how to protect themselves from the energies their customers and clients may ‘dump’ or take from them. This will potentially help them to cope with the stresses and strains of their profession but also to help maintain good mental, emotional and physical health.

The main professions who should practice psychic protection are:

  1. In any healing and therapy work- nurses, Doctors, dentists etc.

  2. Teaching and group leadership.

  3. Exhibitors.

And, everyone should practice some sort of psychic protection when they are in the following situations:

  1. During any spiritual work on your own or in a group.

  2. When in large crowds.

  3. During personal transformations and changes.

  4. During any personal Astrological transits.

  5. When going to places you haven’t been before.

  6. Meeting people you haven’t met before.

  7. When sleeping in unfamiliar places.

  8. When in the company of those who continually take of you. This would be the person who comes to you looking dreadful and goes away ‘on top of the world’ and you are left drained, tired and maybe emotional.