Friday, August 11, 2006

Grounding part 3 - Essences

Essences are very useful tools with which to ground yourself.

White YarrowWhite yarrow from the BrynaHerb Essences range helps to ground the subtle bodies and brings a sense of stability. This is the essence I would chose for someone who is ungrounded but is not emotional with it. Applying this essence to the feet chakras will allow the energy to flow from the legs downwards but also accept the energy of the earth to flow upwards.

GorseGorse from the BrynaHerb Essences range is for the person who is very emotional. They cry at anything. They are unstable energetically and very sensitive to everything. This person is very ungrounded and cannot find comfort on the earth plane. This person is possibly very wounded from childhood experiences.

OakOh, The mighty Oak! The essence of Oak from the BrynaHerb Essences range has strong grounding energies. This essence is useful when exploring deep-seated emotions. It gives the user both stability and space to own their own stuff and to transform from that. This would be a great essence to use along side any sort of therapy.

TourmalineTourmaline essence from the Divine Solutions range is a combination of black and green tourmaline. This provides balance between the heart and base chakras whilst grounding the energies of both. This is the ‘belt, braces and lead boots’ of the essences for grounding and is great if a ‘quick fix’ is needed.

There are of course other essences in both the BrynaHerb and Divine Solutions range which will help with grounding, but the above are the major ones that I would use if someone had a grounding problem.

All of these essences are exclusively available from

Grounding part 2 - Crystals

Crystals are also good tools to use in grounding but if you are very ungrounded you may need to use a number of DIFFERENT tools such as visualisations, crystals and essences to get the balance right.

I recommend the following crystals but in general terms, crystals that are black or red in colour will help to ground you. You need to choose the crystal that most fits your personal needs or ones that you are attracted to.

HaematiteThis is a very strong grounding crystal that also energises the physical body. It brings you back to awareness and therefore stabilises the subtle bodies. I think this is a fantastic crystal when individuals are going though really painful times, when they are ‘spacey’ and cannot find connection to the earth plane.

Obsidian(either black or snow flake obsidian)
These are effective grounding stones, which draw hidden imbalances to surface.

Red Jasper
Red JasperSolidifies and grounds. Good for when you are doing psychic work as it gives the subtle bodies an anchor. This crystal helps to balance the chakras and is a good one to use on the base chakra when performing a chakra healing/balancing layout.

RhodoniteI think this is a beautiful crystal if you need balancing from the heart chakra. It seams to balance both the heart and base chakra at the same time. I don’t think this crystal is very good if the individual is very ungrounded but certainly helps. I love this crystal if self-nurturing needs to take place.
Rhodonite is also helpful when dealing with Self worth issues

TourmalineWow, this has to be my favourite of all crystals. It is used when energies are scattered and confused. Tourmaline is an ideal crystal to use when you are going through traumatic times and during astrological transits. It is great to use when the energy system feels wobbly or when you are just feeling vulnerable. Black Tourmaline is grounding from the base chakra and is also great for any leg and foot complaints, which is usually a sign that the lower energies of the body are poor.

People FREQUENTLY ask me how they should use their crystals when trying to ground with them. I recommend that you either wear them around your neck or place them in your pockets.

HaematiteHaematiteIf you buy a tumble stone rather than a piece of jewellery then you can also buy small spiral ‘baskets’ that you can insert your crystal into, and then hang this around your neck.
The other way is to put your crystal in your pockets. As long as the crystal remains in the energy field then they will work to ground you. I suggest that if you want to put them in your pockets then buy two crystals so that both sides of your body remain balanced. I have known people to sew small pockets into their knickers to house their crystals! You don’t have to go that far as long as you remember to keep the balance on both sides of your body. Wearing the crystal around your neck means that you only need one crystal and that it will balance the body from the centre line.

Please don’t forget to cleanse your crystals too.

Grounding part 1 - Visualisation

Oak TreeThe first way to effectively ground yourself is a visualisation that brings your energies from the soles of your feet to be anchored into the earth. You may want to read this visualisation onto a tape and play it back to yourself.

Tree root Visualisation

  • Uncross your feet and settle yourself into a comfortable position.

  • Take some deep breaths in and out.

  • Now take your attention to your physical body.

  • Feel its’ solidity and weight. Notice of how this feels.

  • Be aware of the pull of the earth on your whole body.

  • Your body feels healthy and secure as the earths’ energy envelopes you.

  • Focus and feel that pull.

  • Allow your awareness to travel to your feet.

  • Take that awareness to the soles of your feet

  • Feel the soles of your feet on the surface of the earth.

  • Allow your attention to focus on your energy system that binds you to the earth.

  • In your minds eye, see your energy transform into strong growing roots.

  • Allow those roots to extend downwards and outwards into the earth.

  • Feel the pull of the earth welcoming your growing roots. See them strong and healthy.

  • Allow those roots to search deeper and deeper into mother earth. Feel her welcoming your roots, feel her bringing stability to you.

  • Feel her warmth

  • When you feel your roots are secure and firm enough in the earth begin on your in-breath, to draw life giving energy back along your root path into your body.

  • Feel the energy of the earth slowly fill your whole body as it travels upwards.

  • Continue to draw the energy in with your in-breath and with your out breath allow your root system to strengthen deeper and further into the earth.

  • Now intend that this new found rooted-ness remain.

  • Allow the visualisation to disappear with the intention that the energies you’ve created remain.

  • And when you feel ready, gently come back to the room feeling connected to your higher consciousness and protected by the earth.

TreeIt is good to practice this exercise at least twice daily until you feel stable and you get used to the new way of being and feeling grounded.